You could argue that it is a fortunate
coincidence that you are holding this book in
your hands (or your e-book reader). After
all, there are millions of books printed
every year, which are read by millions of
readers; and then there is this book read by
you. You could also argue that a couple of
machine learning algorithms played their
role in leading you to this book (or this
book to you). And we, the authors, are happy
that you want to understand more about the
how and why.
Most of this book will cover the how. How
should the data be processed so that
machine learning algorithms can make the
most out of it? How should you choose
the right algorithm for a problem at hand?
Occasionally, we will also cover the why.
Why is it important to measure correctly?
Why does one algorithm outperform another
one in a given scenario?
We know that there is much more to learn to
be an expert in the field. After all, we only
covered some of the "hows" and
just a tiny fraction of the "whys". But at the end, we
hope that this mixture will help you to get
up and running as quickly as possible.
What this book covers
Chapter 1, Getting Started with Python
Machine Learning, introduces the basic idea
of machine learning with a very simple
example. Despite its simplicity, it will
challenge us with the risk of overfitting.
Chapter 2, Learning How to Classify with
Real-world Examples, explains the use of
real data to learn about classification,
whereby we train a computer to be able to
distinguish between different classes of
Chapter 3, Clustering – Finding Related
Posts, explains how powerful the
bag-of-words approach is when we apply it
to finding similar posts without
really understanding them.
Chapter 4, Topic Modeling, takes us beyond
assigning each post to a single cluster
and shows us how assigning them to several
topics as real text can deal with
multiple topics.
Chapter 5, Classification – Detecting Poor
Answers, explains how to use logistic
regression to find whether a user's answer
to a question is good or bad. Behind
the scenes, we will learn how to use the
bias-variance trade-off to debug machine
learning models.
Chapter 6, Classification II – Sentiment
Analysis, introduces how Naive Bayes
works, and how to use it to classify tweets
in order to see whether they are
positive or negative.
Chapter 7, Regression – Recommendations,
discusses a classical topic in handling
data, but it is still relevant today. We
will use it to build recommendation
systems, a system that can take user input
about the likes and dislikes to
recommend new products.
Chapter 8, Regression – Recommendations
Improved, improves our recommendations
by using multiple methods at once. We will
also see how to build recommendations
just from shopping data without the need of
rating data (which users do not
always provide).
Chapter 9, Classification III – Music Genre
Classification, illustrates how if someone has
scrambled our huge music collection, then
our only hope to create an order is to let
a machine learner classify our songs. It
will turn out that it is sometimes better to
trust someone else's expertise than
creating features ourselves.
Chapter 10, Computer Vision – Pattern
Recognition, explains how to apply classifications
in the specific context of handling images,
a field known as pattern recognition.
Chapter 11, Dimensionality Reduction,
teaches us what other methods exist
that can help us in downsizing data so that
it is chewable by our machine
learning algorithms.
Chapter 12, Big(ger) Data, explains how data sizes keep getting bigger, and how this often becomes a problem for the analysis. In this chapter, we explore some approaches to deal with larger data by taking advantage of multiple core or
computing clusters. We also have an introduction to using cloud computing
(using Amazon's Web Services as our cloud provider).
Appendix, Where to Learn More about Machine Learning, covers a list of wonderful
resources available for machine learning.
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What you need for this book
This book assumes you know Python and how to install a library using
easy_install or pip. We do not rely on any advanced mathematics such
as calculus or matrix algebra.
To summarize it, we are using the following versions throughout this book, but
you should be fine with any more recent one:
• Python: 2.7
• NumPy: 1.6.2
• SciPy: 0.11
• Scikit-learn: 0.13
Who this book is for
This book is for Python programmers who want to learn how to perform machine
learning using open source libraries. We will walk through the basic modes of
machine learning based on realistic
This book is also for machine learners who
want to start using Python to build their
systems. Python is a flexible language for
rapid prototyping, while the underlying
algorithms are all written in optimized C
or C++. Therefore, the resulting code is
fast and robust enough to be usable in
production as well.
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