A Byte of Python.pdf

圆桌大骑士 圆桌大骑士 2021-01-13 1172

1 A Byte of Python

‘A Byte of Python’ is a free book on programming using the Python language.

It serves as a tutorial or guide to the Python language for a beginner audience.

If all you know about computers is how to save text fifiles, then this is the book

for you.

This book is written for the latest Python 3, even though Python 2 is the

commonly found version of Python today (read more about it in Python 2 versus

3 section).

A Byte of Python.pdf

1.1 Who Reads A Byte of Python?

Here are what people are saying about the book:

The best thing i found was “A Byte of Python”, which is simply a

brilliant book for a beginner. It’s well written, the concepts are well

explained with self evident examples.

Syed Talal (19 years old)

This is the best beginner’s tutorial I’ve ever seen! Thank you for

your effffort.

Walt Michalik (wmich50-at-theramp-dot-net)

You’ve made the best Python tutorial I’ve found on the Net. Great

work. Thanks!

Joshua Robin (joshrob-at-poczta-dot-onet-dot-pl)

Excellent gentle introduction to programming #Python for beginners

Shan Rajasekaran

8Hi, I’m from Dominican Republic. My name is Pavel, recently I read

your book ‘A Byte of Python’ and I consider it excellent!! :). I learnt

much from all the examples. Your book is of great help for newbies

like me. . .

Pavel Simo (pavel-dot-simo-at-gmail-dot-com)

I recently fifinished reading Byte of Python, and I thought I really

ought to thank you. I was very sad to reach the fifinal pages as I now

have to go back to dull, tedious oreilly or etc. manuals for learning

about python. Anyway, I really appreciate your book.

Samuel Young (sy-one-three-seven-at-gmail-dot-com)

Dear Swaroop, I am taking a class from an instructor that has no

interest in teaching. We are using Learning Python, second edition,

by O’Reilly. It is not a text for beginner without any programming

knowledge, and an instructor that should be working in another fifield.

Thank you very much for your book, without it I would be clueless

about Python and programming. Thanks a million, you are able to

‘break the message down’ to a level that beginners can understand

and not everyone can.

Joseph Duarte (jduarte1-at-cflfl-dot-rr-dot-com)

I love your book! It is the greatest Python tutorial ever, and a very

useful reference. Brilliant, a true masterpiece! Keep up the good


Chris-André Sommerseth

I’m just e-mailing you to thank you for writing Byte of Python online.

I had been attempting Python for a few months prior to stumbling

across your book, and although I made limited success with pyGame,

I never completed a program.

Thanks to your simplifification of the categories, Python actually seems

a reachable goal. It seems like I have fifinally learned the foundations

and I can continue into my real goal, game development.

9. . .

Once again, thanks VERY much for placing such a structured and

helpful guide to basic programming on the web. It shoved me into

and out of OOP with an understanding where two text books had


Matt Gallivan (m-underscore-gallivan12-at-hotmail-dot-com)

I would like to thank you for your book ‘A byte of python’ which i

myself fifind the best way to learn python. I am a 15 year old i live

in egypt my name is Ahmed. Python was my second programming

language i learn visual basic 6 at school but didn’t enjoy it, however

i really enjoyed learning python. I made the addressbook program

and i was sucessful. i will try to start make more programs and read

python programs (if you could tell me source that would be helpful).

I will also start on learning java and if you can tell me where to fifind

a tutorial as good as yours for java that would help me a lot. Thanx.

Ahmed Mohammed (sedo-underscore-91-at-hotmail-dot-com)

A wonderful resource for beginners wanting to learn more about

Python is the 110-page PDF tutorial A Byte of Python by Swaroop C

H. It is well-written, easy to follow, and may be the best introduction

to Python programming available.

Drew Ames in an article on Scripting Scribus published on Linux.com

Yesterday I got through most of Byte of Python on my Nokia N800

and it’s the easiest and most concise introduction to Python I have

yet encountered. Highly recommended as a starting point for learning


Jason Delport on his weblog

Byte of Vim and Python by @swaroopch is by far the best works in

technical writing to me. Excellent reads #FeelGoodFactor

Surendran says in a tweet

10“Byte of python” best one by far man

(in response to the question “Can anyone suggest a good, inexpensive

resource for learning the basics of Python?”)

Justin LoveTrue says in a Facebook community page

“The Book Byte of python was very helpful ..Thanks bigtime :)”


Always been a fan of A Byte of Python - made for both new and

experienced programmers.

Patrick Harrington, in a StackOverflflow answer

Even NASA The book is even used by NASA! It is being used in their Jet

Propulsion Laboratory with their Deep Space Network project.







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