
c#小王子 c#小王子 2021-10-08 594 Java


目 录



leetcode 100 斩!回顾

leetcode 力扣刷题 1 到 300 的感受

1. Two Sum

2. Add Two Numbers

3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

4*. Median of Two Sorted Arrays

5*. Longest Palindromic Substring

6. ZigZag Conversion

7. Reverse Integer

8. String to Integer

9. Palindrome Number

10. Regular Expression Matching

11. Container With Most Water

12. Integer to Roman

13. Roman to Integer

14. Longest Common Prefix

15. 3Sum

16. 3Sum Closest

17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number

18. 4Sum

19. Remove Nth Node From End of List

20. Valid Parentheses

21. Merge Two Sorted Lists

22. Generate Parentheses

23. Merge k Sorted Lists

24. Swap Nodes in Pairs

25. Reverse Nodes in k-Group

26. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array

27. Remove Element

28. Implement strStr()

29. Divide Two Integers

30. Substring with Concatenation of All Words

31. Next Permutation

32. Longest Valid Parentheses

33. Search in Rotated Sorted Array

34. Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array

35. Search Insert Position

36. Valid Sudoku

37. Sudoku Solver

38. Count and Say

39. Combination Sum

40. Combination Sum II

41. First Missing Positive

42. Trapping Rain Water

43. Multiply Strings

44. Wildcard Matching

45. Jump Game II

46. Permutations

47. Permutations II

48. Rotate Image

49. Group Anagrams

50*. Pow(x, n)

51. N-Queens

52. N-Queens II

53. Maximum Subarray

54. Spiral Matrix

55. Jump Game

56. Merge Intervals

57. Insert Interval

58. Length of Last Word

59. Spiral Matrix II

60. Permutation Sequence

61. Rotate List

62. Unique Paths

63. Unique Paths II

64. Minimum Path Sum

65. Valid Number

66. Plus One

67. Add Binary

68. Text Justification

69. Sqrt x

70. Climbing Stairs

71. Simplify Path

72. Edit Distance

73. Set Matrix Zeroes

74. Search a 2D Matrix

75. Sort Colors

76. Minimum Window Substring

77. Combinations

78. Subsets

79. Word Search

80. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II

81. Search in Rotated Sorted Array II

82. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II

83. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List

84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram

85. Maximal Rectangle

86. Partition List

87. Scramble String

88. Merge Sorted Array

89. Gray Code

90. Subsets II

91. Decode Ways

92. Reverse Linked List II

93. Restore IP Addresses

94. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal

95*. Unique Binary Search Trees II

96. Unique Binary Search Trees

97. Interleaving String

98. Validate Binary Search Tree

99. Recover Binary Search Tree

100. Same Tree

101 题到 200 题

101. Symmetric Tree

102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal

103. Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal

104. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree

105. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal

106. Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal

107. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II

108. Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree

109. Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree

110. Balanced Binary Tree

111. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree

112. Path Sum

113. Path Sum II

114. Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List

115*. Distinct Subsequences

116. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node

117. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II

118. Pascal’s Triangle

119. Pascal’s Triangle II

120. Triangle

121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock

122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II

123*. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III

124*. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum

125. Valid Palindrome

126*. Word Ladder II

127. Word Ladder

128. Longest Consecutive Sequence

129. Sum Root to Leaf Numbers

130*. Surrounded Regions

131. Palindrome Partitioning

132. Palindrome Partitioning II

133. Clone Graph

134. Gas Station

135. Candy

136. Single Number

137*. Single Number II

138. Copy List with Random Pointer

139. Word Break

140. Word Break II

141. Linked List Cycle

142. Linked List Cycle II

143. Reorder List

144. Binary Tree Preorder Traversal

145*. Binary Tree Postorder Traversal

146. LRU Cache

147. Insertion Sort List

148. Sort List

149*. Max Points on a Line

150. Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation

151. Reverse Words in a String

152. Maximum Product Subarray

153. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array

154*. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II

155. Min Stack

160. Intersection of Two Linked Lists

162. Find Peak Element

164. Maximum Gap

165. Compare Version Numbers

166. Fraction to Recurring Decimal

167. Two Sum II - Input array is sorted

168. Excel Sheet Column Title

169. Majority Element

171. Excel Sheet Column Number

172. Factorial Trailing Zeroes

173. Binary Search Tree Iterator

174*. Dungeon Game

179. Largest Number

187. Repeated DNA Sequences

188. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV

189. Rotate Array

190. Reverse Bits

191. Number of 1 Bits

198. House Robber

199. Binary Tree Right Side View

200. Number of Islands

201 题到 300 题

201. Bitwise AND of Numbers Range

202. Happy Number

203. Remove Linked List Elements

204. Count Primes

205. Isomorphic Strings

206. Reverse Linked List

207. Course Schedule

208. Implement Trie(Prefix Tree)

209. Minimum Size Subarray Sum

210. Course Schedule II

211. Add and Search Word - Data structure design

212. Word Search II

213. House Robber II

214*. Shortest Palindrome

215. Kth Largest Element in an Array

216. Combination Sum III

217. Contains Duplicate

218. The Skyline Problem

219. Contains Duplicate II

220*. Contains Duplicate III

221. Maximal Square

222. Count Complete Tree Nodes

223. Rectangle Area

224*. Basic Calculator

225. Implement Stack using Queues

226. Invert Binary Tree

227. Basic Calculator II

228. Summary Ranges

229. Majority Element II

230. Kth Smallest Element in a BST

231*. Power of Two

232. Implement Queue using Stacks

233. Number of Digit One

234. Palindrome Linked List

235. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree

236. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree

237. Delete Node in a Linked List

238. Product of Array Except Self

239. Sliding Window Maximum

240. Search a 2D Matrix II

241. Different Ways to Add Parentheses

242. Valid Anagram

257. Binary Tree Paths

258. Add Digits

从大一就知道了 leetcode,但刷题总是三天打鱼,两天晒网,会发现刷过的题,隔一段时间再看还是 需要很久才能再想起来,于是就萌发了刷一题总结一题的想法。

另一方面,leetcode 上的 discuss 里一些解,有时候讲解的很少,甚至只丢一些代码,对于我等 这种菜鸟有时候看的太废劲了,所以不如自己把各种解法都理清楚,然后详细的总结出来,也方便其他 人更好的理解。

大一的时候,听过 ACM,然后暑假也去学校的 ACM 集训试了试,但当时基础太差了,栈和队列都不知 道是什么,所以也就没有走上 ACM 的道路。之后就各种学安卓、web、后端的应用开发的一些东西 了。后来准备开始刷题是大四毕业的时候了吧。 当时对回溯、动态规划也都只是上课的时候学过,也并不熟练。开始几题的时候,也都很慢,很多都自 己想不出来。然后就去看别人的题解。看完以后,就什么都不看,然后按自己的思路再写一遍代码。

尤其是第 5 题,求最长回文序列,现在都印象深刻,记得当时用了好几天才把所有解法总结了出来。 所以大家如果想刷题的话,也不用怕自己基础不好,大不了哪些名词不会就去查,一点点积累就可以, 重要的是开始和坚持。 从开始可能只是觉得该刷一刷题,到现在可能真的是爱上了刷题。

现在刷题基本可以想出一种思路,有时候甚至和最优解想到了一起,还会想出一些别人没有想到的解 法,这种成就感可能就是打游戏超神的感觉吧,哈哈。

此外,看 discuss 的时候,每当看到令人拍案称奇的思路的时候,真的是让人心旷神怡,开心的不得了,就像中了彩票一样的开心,赶快去和同学分享。

有时候也会看到一些让人捧腹的评论,题目是输入一个字符串,输出所有可能的 ip 地址。






















Java 虚拟机(Java virtual machine,简称 JVM)是一种虚拟“执行引擎”实例,可在微处理器上执行 Java 类文件中的字节码。调整 JVM 的方式会影响 Weblogic Server 和应用程序的性能。


Velocity是一个基于java的模板引擎(template engine)。它允许任何人仅仅简单的使用模板语言(template language)来引用由java代码定义的对象。


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