Murachs ASP.NET 4.5 Web Programming with C.PDF

宝宝村 宝宝村 2020-12-17 1325 Murachs ASP.NET 4.5

Please let us know how this book works for you

This is the fifth edition of our ASP.NETbook.Foreachedition,we've added the new features of ASP.NET,but we've also tried to improve the content and structure of the book.This time,with help from a new author,we've tried to improve both the technical excellence and educational effectiveness of every chapter in this book.
Now that were done,we hope that we've succeeded in making this edition our best one ever. So,if you have any comments, we would appreciate hearing from you.If you like our book,please tell afriend.And good luck with your web programming.

Murachs ASP.NET 4.5 Web Programming with C.PDF

The essence
of ASP.NET programming

This section presents the essential skills for designing, coding,and testing ASP.NET web applications.After chapter 1introduces you to the concepts and terms that you need to know for ASP.NET programming,chapter 2 shows you how to develop a one-page web application with ASP.NET.That includes designing the form for the application and writing the C# code that makes it work,and that gets you off to a fast start.
Next,chapter 3 shows you the right way to use HTML5 and CSS3 with anASP.NET application,and chapter 4 shows you how to develop atwo- page Shopping Cart appication that gets product data from a database.At that point,you'll know how to build muli-page applications.Then,chapter 5 shows you how test and debug ASP.NET applications.
When you finish all five chapters,you'll be able to develop real-world applications of your own.You'll have a solid understanding of how ASP.NET works.You'll beready for rapid progress as you read any of the other sections of the book.and you can read those sections in whatever sequence you prefer.

Two pages of a Shopping Cart application

Figure 1-1 shows two pages of an ASP.NET web application.In this case, the application is for an online store that lets users purchase Halloween products, including costumes,masks,and decorations.In chapter 4,you'lllearn how to build this application.
The first web page in this figure is used to display information about the products that are available from the Halloween store.To select a product,you use the drop-down list that's below the banner at the top of the page.Then,the page displays information about the product including a photo,short and long descriptions,and the product's price.The application gets the data for these pages from a database.
If youenter aquantity in the text box near the bottom of the page and click the Add to Cart button,the second page in this figure is displayed.This page lists the contents of your shopping cart and provides several buttons that let you remove items from the cart,clear the cart,return to the previous page to continue shopping, or proceed to a checkout page.
Of course,the complete Halloween Superstore application also contains other pages.For example,if you click the Check Out button in the second page, you're taken to a page that lets you enter the information for completing the order.As you go through this book,you'llarn how to add other pages to this application.

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Murachs ASP.NET 4.5 Web Programming with C.PDF

Murachs ASP.NET 4.5 Web Programming with C- 2012 (5th edition).pdf

文章热度: 12527
文章数量: 12

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