JavaScript&jQuery The Missing Manual 2nd Edition

圆桌大骑士 圆桌大骑士 2020-12-23 679 JavaScript & jQuery

JavaScript also lets you create fun, dynamic, and interactive interfaces. For example,

with JavaScript, you can transform a static page of thumbnail images into an animated

slideshow (as you’ll learn how to do on page 314). Or you can do something more

subtle like stuff more information on a page without making it seem crowded by

organizing content into bite-size panels that visitors can access with a simple click of

the mouse (page 301). Or add something useful and attractive, like pop-up tooltips

that provide supplemental information for items on your web page (page 326). 2

javascript & jquery: the missing manual

JavaScript&jQuery The Missing Manual 2nd Edition

What Is JavaScript?

Another one of JavaScript’s main selling points is its immediacy. It lets web pages

respond instantly to actions like clicking a link, filling out a form, or merely moving

the mouse around the screen. JavaScript doesn’t suffer from the frustrating delay

associated with server-side programming languages like PHP, which rely on com

munication between the web browser and the web server. Because it doesn’t rely on

constantly loading and reloading web pages, JavaScript lets you create web pages that

feel and act more like desktop programs than web pages.

If you’ve visited Google Maps (, you’ve seen JavaScript in ac

tion. Google Maps lets you view a map of your town (or pretty much anywhere else for

that matter), zoom in to get a detailed view of streets and bus stops, or zoom out to get

a birds-eye view of how to get across town, the state, or the nation. While there were

plenty of map sites before Google, they always required reloading multiple web pages

(usually a slow process) to get to the information you wanted. Google Maps, on the

other hand, works without page refreshes—it responds immediately to your choices.

The programs you create with JavaScript can range from the really simple (like pop

ping up a new browser window with a web page in it) to full-blown web applications

like Google Docs (, which let you create presentations, edit

documents, and create spreadsheets using your web browser with the feel of a pro

gram running directly on your computer.

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JavaScript&jQuery The Missing Manual 2nd Edition

JavaScript & jQuery The Missing Manual 2nd Edition

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文章数量: 33

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