Python for Data Analysis(full pdf download)

c#小王子 c#小王子 2021-04-20 1810 programming,Python

Python for Data Analysis(full pdf download)

What Is This Book About?

This book is concerned with the nuts and bolts of manipulating, processing, cleaning, and crunching data in Python. It is also a practical, modern introduction to scientific computing in Python, tailored for data-intensive applications. This is a book about the parts of the Python language and libraries you’ll need to effectively solve a broad set of data analysis problems. This book is not an exposition on analytical methods usingPython as the implementation language.

When I say “data”, what am I referring to exactly? The primary focus is on structured data, a deliberately vague term that encompasses many different common forms of data, such as

• Multidimensional arrays (matrices)

Tabular or spreadsheet-like data in which each column may be a different type(string, numeric, date, or otherwise). This includes most kinds of data commonly stored in relational databases or tab- or comma-delimited text files

• Multiple tables of data interrelated by key columns (what would be primary or foreign keys for a SQL user)

• Evenly or unevenly spaced time series

This is by no means a complete list. Even though it may not always be obvious, a large percentage of data sets can be transformed into a structured form that is more suitable for analysis and modeling. If not, it may be possible to extract features from a data set into a structured form. As an example, a collection of news articles could be processed into a word frequency table which could then be used to perform sentiment analysis.

Most users of spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel, perhaps the most widely used data analysis tool in the world, will not be strangers to these kinds of data.

Why Python for Data Analysis?

For many people (myself among them), the Python language is easy to fall in love with. Since its first appearance in 1991, Python has become one of the most popular dynamic, programming languages, along with Perl, Ruby, and others. Python and Ruby have become especially popular in recent years for building websites using their numerous web frameworks, like Rails (Ruby) and Django (Python). Such languages are often called scripting languages as they can be used to write quick-and-dirty small programs, or scripts. I don’t like the term “scripting language” as it carries a connotation that they cannot be used for building mission-critical software. Among interpreted languages Python is distinguished by its large and active scientific computing community. Adoption of Python for scientific computing in both industry applications and academic research has increased significantly since the early 2000s.

For data analysis and interactive, exploratory computing and data visualization, Python will inevitably draw comparisons with the many other domain-specific open source and commercial programming languages and tools in wide use, such as R, MATLAB, SAS, Stata, and others. In recent years, Python’s improved library support (primarily pandas) has made it a strong alternative for data manipulation tasks. Combined with Python’s strength in general purpose programming, it is an excellent choice as a single language for building data-centric applications.

Python as Glue

Part of Python’s success as a scientific computing platform is the ease of integrating C, C++, and FORTRAN code. Most modern computing environments share a similar set of legacy FORTRAN and C libraries for doing linear algebra, optimization, integration, fast fourier transforms, and other such algorithms. The same story has held true for many companies and national labs that have used Python to glue together 30 years’

worth of legacy software.

Most programs consist of small portions of code where most of the time is spent, with large amounts of “glue code” that doesn’t run often. In many cases, the execution time of the glue code is insignificant; effort is most fruitfully invested in optimizing the computational bottlenecks, sometimes by moving the code to a lower-level language like C.

In the last few years, the Cython project ( has become one of the preferred ways of both creating fast compiled extensions for Python and also interfacing with C and C++ code.

Solving the “Two-Language” Problem

In many organizations, it is common to research, prototype, and test new ideas using a more domain-specific computing language like MATLAB or R then later port those ideas to be part of a larger production system written in, say, Java, C#, or C++. What people are increasingly finding is that Python is a suitable language not only for doing research and prototyping but also building the production systems, too. I believe that more and more companies will go down this path as there are often significant organizational benefits to having both scientists and technologists using the same set of programmatic tools.

Why Not Python?

While Python is an excellent environment for building computationally-intensive scientific applications and building most kinds of general purpose systems, there are a number of uses for which Python may be less suitable.

As Python is an interpreted programming language, in general most Python code will run substantially slower than code written in a compiled language like Java or C++. As programmer time is typically more valuable than CPU time, many are happy to make this tradeoff. However, in an application with very low latency requirements (for example, a high frequency trading system), the time spent programming in a lower-level,

lower-productivity language like C++ to achieve the maximum possible performance might be time well spent.

Python is not an ideal language for highly concurrent, multithreaded applications, particularly applications with many CPU-bound threads. The reason for this is that it has what is known as the global interpreter lock (GIL), a mechanism which prevents the interpreter from executing more than one Python bytecode instruction at a time. The technical reasons for why the GIL exists are beyond the scope of this book, but as of this writing it does not seem likely that the GIL will disappear anytime soon. While it is true that in many big data processing applications, a cluster of computers may be required to process a data set in a reasonable amount of time, there are still situations where a single-process, multithreaded system is desirable.

This is not to say that Python cannot execute truly multithreaded, parallel code; that code just cannot be executed in a single Python process. As an example, the Cython project features easy integration with OpenMP, a C framework for parallel computing, in order to to parallelize loops and thus significantly speed up numerical algorithms.

Essential Python Libraries

For those who are less familiar with the scientific Python ecosystem and the libraries used throughout the book, I present the following overview of each library.


NumPy, short for Numerical Python, is the foundational package for scientific computing in Python. The majority of this book will be based on NumPy and libraries built on top of NumPy. It provides, among other things:

• A fast and efficient multidimensional array object ndarray

• Functions for performing element-wise computations with arrays or mathematical operations between arrays

• Tools for reading and writing array-based data sets to disk

• Linear algebra operations, Fourier transform, and random number generation

• Tools for integrating connecting C, C++, and Fortran code to Python

Beyond the fast array-processing capabilities that NumPy adds to Python, one of its primary purposes with regards to data analysis is as the primary container for data to be passed between algorithms. For numerical data, NumPy arrays are a much more efficient way of storing and manipulating data than the other built-in Python data structures. Also, libraries written in a lower-level language, such as C or Fortran, can operate on the data stored in a NumPy array without copying any data.

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