医疗器械的电子副本提交程序 行业和食药监督管理指南

再世华不佗 再世华不佗 2021-01-06 990 医疗器械的电子副本提交程序






有关本文件的任何疑问,请联系CDRH器械评审办公室 301-796­6055,或CBER交流、推广和发展办公室1-800-835-4709 或 301-827-1800。











书面意见和建议可随时向文档管理部(HFA-305), FDA,5630Fishers Lane, rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852提交,供部门审议;电子版意见可提交http://www.regulations.gov。所有意见都应该使用在联邦公报上公布的可用性通知的案卷编号来标识。可能直到文件下次修订或更新时,评论才会被机构受理。



本指南文件的其他副本还可获自生物制品评估和研究中心(CBER)的交流培训和企业协助办公室(HFM-40),1401Rockville Pike, Suite 200N, Rockville, MD 20852-1448,或向1-800-835-4709或301-827-1800电话索取,邮件:ocod@fda.hhs.gov,或登录网站:http://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/default.htm.



1.   简介

本指南的目的是解释医疗器械新的电子副本(eCopy)提交程序。食品药品监督管理局安全和创新法案(FDASIA)(出版物L. 112-144)第1136节,增补了联邦食品、药品和化妆品法案(FD&C法案)第745A(b)节,要求提交eCopy并发布该最终指南。本指南介绍了食品药品监督管理局(FDA)如何根据FD&C法案第745A(b)执行eCopy程序,包括eCopy预期将提高审评过程的效率,允许可对电子版本进行立即审评,而不仅仅依赖于纸件版本。


在第745A(b)节中,国会规定了标准、免除条件和指南中所述的豁免,并授予FDA明确的法定授权,以实施法定的eCopy要求。因此,本文件是根据“FD&C法案”第745A(b)节(即,标准、免除条件和豁免)规定了此项要求,表明,通过使用必须或必需这些词,该文件无需受制于FDA的良好指南实践(GGP)法规中的常规限制,例如指南不能设立法律上强制责任的要求,参见21 CFR 10.115(d)。



eCopy程序并不意图影响(减少或增加)申请人提交的用以支持认证或批准的数据类型或数量[1],申请内容请参阅其他的FDA器械或CDRH程序特定的指导文件。(http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/DeviceRegulationandGuidance/GuidanceDocuments/default.htm)和CBER(http://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances / General / ucm214106.htm)。


2.  什么是eCopy?




[2] eCopy不能被认为是一个电子形式的申请, eSubmissions的相关信息,请参见“FDAeSubmitter”(http://www.fda.gov/ForIndustry/FDAeSubmitter/default.htm) 和“Regulatory Submissions inElectronic Format for BiologicProducts”


3.   eCopy和纸质提交资料内容之间的差异是否可被接受?




4.  什么申请类型需要提交eCopy?


Ÿ  上市前通告提交(510(k)s),包括第三方510(k)s;

Ÿ  自动III类器械认定申请的评价(新申请);

Ÿ  上市前批准的申请(PMA),包括过渡期PMA;[3]


[2]例如,510(k) 申请的内容要求请见21 CFR 870.87和807.92; 首次PMA申请的内容要求请见21 CFR 814.20。


Ÿ  模块化PMAs;

Ÿ  产品开发方案(PDPs);

Ÿ  临床研究用器械的豁免(IDEs)[见下文的部分豁免];

Ÿ  人道主义的器械豁免(HDEs),包括人道主义用途器械的认定要求(HUD);

Ÿ  紧急使用授权(EUAs)[1] [见下文的豁免];

Ÿ  某些临床研究用新药的申请(INDs);[2]

Ÿ  某些生物制品许可证的申请(BLAs);[3]和

Ÿ  预申请.[4]




请注意,一旦申请提交并已在审评,eCopy的要求不适用于互动审评过程(通过电子邮件,电话和/或传真)获得信息,如果该信息未提交给CDRH或CBER的DCC。但是,如果申请人选择向CDRH’s或CBER’s DCC提交对互动审评要求的回复(仅会发生在该回复文件的大小无法通过电子邮件或传真沟通时),它将作为修正稿录入并受制于eCopy的要求。



Ÿ  两种特定类型的IDE – 关怀使用IDE申请和紧急使用IDEh申请[7];和

Ÿ  所有EUAs。







[4]请参见指南草案,题为“医疗器械: 申请前程序和与FDA人员的会议。(http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/DeviceRegulationandGuidance/GuidanceDocuments/ucm310375.htm).

[5]报告,包括所有适用于一种申请类型的所有报告,包括年度/定期报告和上市后报告。FD&C法案第745A(b)节不适用于 21 CFR Part 803项下的医疗器械报告提交。

[6]对于CDRH和CBER的DCC地址,请参见21 CFR 807.90。

[7]更多关于关怀使用IDE和紧急使用IDE申请的细节,请参见CDRH的器械建议页面,“IDE Early/Expanded Access”(http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/DeviceRegulationandGuidance/HowtoMarketYourDevice/InvestigationalDevi ceExemptionIDE/ucm051345.htm#compassionateuse)和FDA的“IDEs政策和程序指南”(http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/DeviceRegulationandGuidance/GuidanceDocuments/ucm080202.htm)。


5.  是否有其他不受制于eCopy法规的申请类型可以提交eCopies?


Ÿ  主访问文件(MAF);

Ÿ  513(g)要求的信息(513(g)s);和

Ÿ  临床实验室改进法案(CLIA)分类 - 器械申请豁免(CLIA“X”文件)。

这三种申请类型的eCopies提交是自愿的; 但是,如果贵公司选择提交eCopy,则必须满足附件1中列出的标准。

6.  需要提交多少份副本?



医疗器械的电子副本提交程序 行业和食药监督管理指南

[1]参见 21 CFR 807.90(a)(3)(c).

[2]参见21 CFR 814.20(b)(2).

[3]参见21 CFR 814.39(c).

[4]参见 21 CFR 812.20(a)(3).

[5]参见 21 CFR 814.104(b)(4).

[6]参见 21 CFR 814.102(d).

[7]参见 21 CFR 312.23(d).




7.   eCopy的处理步骤是什么?


a.     eCopy的标准是什么?


b.     在将eCopy发送给FDA之前,如何知道eCopy是否符合标准?



[1] FDA 审评员不会向申请人要求额外的eCopy或纸质副本。

c.    如果涉及第三方该怎么办?


d.    如果这是第三方510(k)怎么办?


Ÿ  符合附件1标准的eCopy(单个CD,DVD或闪存盘),和

Ÿ  如附件1所述的带有eCopy声明的签名附函。


FDA同意申请人在向FDA提交第三方510(k)之前多次与认证人进行互动,无论在向FDA提交第三方510(k)前互动的次数如何,申请人的eCopy必须刻录在单个的CD、DVD或闪存盘上,以便于我们的软件加载。例如,申请人可以将每轮互动整理为eCopy的不同卷目(如,VOL_001_Original Review, VOL_002_Round 2 Review)。出于相同的原因,认证人也必须提供他们的eCopy,刻录在单个的CD、DVD或闪存盘上。


e.     如果这是一个捆绑式申请怎么办?



f.     如何向FDA提交eCopy?




g.     FDA如何处理eCopy?




h.      如果贵公司的提交被列为eCopy暂挂,贵公司可向FDA提供什么?

如上所述,贵公司将收到一个通知,说明贵公司的eCopy加载失败的具体原因。为回复eCopy的斩挂通知,贵公司必须提供:(1)修订后的附函,对现在提供的替换eCopy 的附加声明和(2)一份替换的eCopy(CD,DVD或闪存盘)。 


i.     FDA如何处理替换的eCopy?


j.     对于所提交申请的审评何时开始?



k.      如果贵公司针对不需要eCopy的提交类型提交了eCopy,并且收到了eCopy暂挂信,贵公司可作何选择?

如果贵公司为关怀使用IDE、紧急使用IDE、EUA、MAF、513(g)或CLIA X文件提交了eCopy,且不符合附件1中的标准,贵公司的提交将被列为eCopy暂挂。但是,与要求有效eCopy的其他提交类型不同,可以选择使用一份额外的纸质副本来替代eCopy,作为对eCopy暂挂通知的回复。

8.   如果贵公司的器械受CBER监管怎么办?

a.     新的eCopy要求适用吗?





b.     贵公司可以选择提交电子申请吗?



使用电子提交程序的另一个优点是,提交和审评中涉及的所有各方都参考同一份文件 - 电子文件,而不会有纸质文件是否是eCopy的真实副本这种问题。电子提交还可以减少审评员由于无法阅读或解释纸件副本上的信息(有时会在复印时出现)而要求重新提交先前已提交的信息的要求。

c.      如何准备和向CBER提交电子申请?

对于选择电子提交的申请人,C BER有几个资源可供选择,请见文件“生物制品注册申请的电子格式提交”。(http://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/DevelopmentApprovalProcess/ucm163685.htm)。因此,该引用的参考文献提供了具体细节,在本指南中不再重复。

对于PHS法案监管的器械,需要提交BLA,在准备电子提交时,详见题为“以电子格式向生物制品评审和研究中心(CBER)提交注册申请文件- 生物制品上市申请”的指南(http://www.fda.gov/downloads/BiologicsBloodVaccines/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation / Guidances / General / UCM192413.pdf)。注意,本指南的某些部分,例如药理学和毒理学的部分,通常与已批准的器械无关。

为递交给CBER的其他器械申请而准备电子提交的指南(例如510(k),PMA),请参阅“工业指南:以电子格式提交注册申请- 一般考虑” (www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances/UCM072390.pdf) 和“CBER SOPP 8110:向CBER提交纸质版注册申请”(http://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/ ProceduresSOPPs / ucm079467.htm),其包括了向CBER提交电子副本的信息。

我们目前正在为呈送给CBER的其他电子提交制定另外的更新指南,并发布了经修订的、更新的指导文件草案,题为“工业指南(草案):以电子格式提交注册申请 - 一般考虑” (http://www.fda.gov/RegulatoryInformation/Guidances/ucm124737.htm),本文件将为申请人准备电子提交提供额外信息。





附件1 - eCopies标准

以下是写入FDA eCopy软件编码的标准。如果eCopy不符合以下A至D节中规定的所有必需标准,则eCopy将无法通过FDA的eCopy加载过程。另一方面,第E至G节给出了在准备eCopy时的建议。

A.    附函要求


Ÿ  eCopy是纸质副本的完全复制品;或

Ÿ  eCopy是纸质副本的完全复制品,除了[说明所有差异]。




B.     成卷或非成卷形式的结构要求


1.     成卷的eCopy



Ÿ  VOL_XXX(例如, VOL_001);或

Ÿ  VOL_XXX描述性名称(例如,VOL_001_患者研究数据)。





2.     非成卷的eCopy




[1]请勿将“eCopy 暂挂”混同于FDA的决定,如拒绝受理或拒绝入档。eCopy 暂挂是发生在申请进行审评过程之前。一旦进入审评,受理和/或入档审查已完成(该申请类型如适用),亦可见本指南的第7.j. 部分。

[2]更多信息请参见指南“FDA和产业行动,上市前通告(510(k)) 申请:对FDA审评时钟和目标的影响”(http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/DeviceRegulationandGuidance/GuidanceDocuments/ucm089735.htm)和“工业和FDA工作人员指南- FDA 和产业行动,上市前批准申请(PMAs):对FDA审评时钟和目标的影响”(http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/DeviceRegulationandGuidance/GuidanceDocuments/ucm089733.htm).

[3] 25请参见“FDA 电子提交网关(联邦注册公告)- 8/9/2006”(http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2006-08-08/html/E6-12808.htm).






C.    Adobe Acrobat PDF文件要求

无论是选择成卷还是非成卷的eCopy结构,PDF文件都是用于eCopy的主要文件格式。(有关如何向eCopy添加非PDF文件,请参阅第D节。)PDF文件可确保提交时不会发生意外更改,并确保审评员在屏幕上看到的内容与纸质提交的内容相同。以下是对PDF文件的要求。若不遵守,贵公司的 eCopy将加载失败。

1.     AdobeAcrobat PDF版本10.0或以下

只接受使用AdobeAcrobat 10.0或更低版本提交的eCopies。[1]如果贵公司的Adobe Acrobat是新版本(大于10.0),则必须将PDF另存为缩小的PDF,否则eCopy将无法加载。

2.     没有附件

eCopies提交的PDF文件若带有附件则不被接受,附件必须在提交之前删除。许多由第三方供应商创建的Acrobat PDF文件,如杂志文章,用户指南和产品标签,包含了在创建过程中嵌入的附件。例如,见下图3,其中包括名为joboptions的附件。要检测附件,请打开Acrobat PDF,然后单击导航面板左下角的回形针图标,如下图3所示。





Ÿ  直接与供应商联系,要求他们创建AcrobatPDF,而不附加如上所示的任何附件; 或

Ÿ  打印选择Adobe PDF作为打印机名称的文件,该文件将打印成一个新的、没有附件的AcrobatPDF文件。


3.     无安全设置


FDA注意到,在我们网站上有某些表格设置了密码保护,我们目前正在用不含密码保护的版本替换用于上市前申请的一些主要表单。但是,对于仍有密码保护的FDA表单,贵公司当前可以选择的是:(1)填写表单,打印并扫描,或(2)将其保存在MISC FILES文件夹下的zip文件夹中,描述如下(第 D节)。

4.     具体的PDF文件命名规定


Ÿ  XXX描述性名称(例如,001_附函,002_MDUFA 表,003_目录)。



描述性文件名最多可包含250个字符,但不能包含特殊字符(例如,波形(~),星号(*),斜杠(/),反斜杠(\),冒号(:),问号(?) ,单引号('),双引号(“),小于号(<),大于号(>)或竖线(|))。如果可能,文件名应描述其内容,以使审评员明白其意。如果使用了这些特殊字符之一,eCopy将加载失败。

5.     PDF文件大小限制在50MB或以下




B.     如何通过“统计数据”和“MISC文件”文件夹添加非PDF文件的要求

第B节中描述了成卷型和非成卷型的eCopy如何包括PDF文件,然而,eCopy还可以包括非PDF文件。这是通过在eCopy的根目录级别加入“统计数据”和/或“MISC FILES”文件夹来实现的,不论是成卷型或非成卷型的eCopy。

这两个文件夹是可选的; 但是,如果贵公司选择合并其中一个或全部两个,要求如下:

Ÿ  精确地拼写文件夹名称(即,统计数据,MISC文件),不区分大小写;

Ÿ  将文件夹放在eCopy的根目录级别;以及

Ÿ  将所有内容(请参阅下述第1和第2部分)列在文件夹下的一个或多个zip文件中。



对于适合作为“统计数据”或“MISC FILES”文件夹一部分的资料类型,描述如下。

1.     “统计数据”文件夹

包括了元数据[2]和数据行列表的统计信息,可以以其原始格式包括在eCopy中,例如,但不限于:SAS;XPORT;XML;SGML;S- Plus;R files;ASCII;Molfiles 和Excel,对文件原格式没有限制。

2.     “MISCFILES”文件夹


此外,为了简化审评过程,FDA鼓励贵公司在MISC FILES文件夹下,列入某些文档或资料片段的Word版本,这些文档或资料片段也应以PDF格式在eCopy主体中提供。换句话说,将eCopy主体中的PDF版本作为成卷型或非成卷型的eCopy结构的一部分,并在MISC FILES文件夹中纳入Word版本,以助于审评。FDA通常会通过互动式审评要求下列文件,互动式审评使FDA可向申请人反馈和/或完成审评。将这些文件放入eCopy的MISC FILES文件夹中,有助于尽可能地减少对申请进行实审时的延误可能性。建议的文件包括,如适用:

Ÿ  任何申请的标签(最好是将每项(例如,给医生的标签,给患者的标签,操作员手册)作为单独文件];

Ÿ  510(k)s中与参比器械的对比表;

Ÿ  510(k)综述;

Ÿ  PMA的安全性和有效性数据(SSED)综述;以及

Ÿ  HDEs的安全性和可能的受益(SSPB)综述。

如上所述,对于添加到MISC FILES文件夹的zip文件中的任何文件,没有命名规定限制/限制条件。但是,当涉及MISC FILES文件夹中包含的Word文档时,建议使用与其PDF的等同性文件相同的命名,以使审评员易于将其关联。

如上述C.3节所述,FDA认识到,官网上有一些表格设有密码保护。一种选择是,将加入到eCopy中的具有密码保护的FDA表单,添加到MISC FILES文件夹下的zip文件中。



图6:具有MISC FILES文件夹的eCopy

C.     PDF中的书签和超链接


1.     书签


2.     超链接



D.    从源文件创建PDF(首选)


1.     Adobe插件


2.     字体

在源文件中应使用以下字体之一:TimesNew Roman; Verdana; Arial; Tahoma; 或Helvetica,应避免在同一文档中使用自定义字体和多种字体。


E.     从扫描文档创建PDF文件





[1]一旦测试和确认Adobe Acrobat的新版本,我们将相应地更新该指南。


eCopy Program for Medical Device Submissions Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff 

Document issued on: December 31, 2012 

The draft of this document was issued on October 17, 2012. 

For questions regarding this document, contact CDRH’s Office of Device Evaluation at 301-796- 6055 or CBER’s Office of Communication, Outreach and Development at 1-800-835-4709 or 301-827-1800. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration Center for Devices and Radiological Health Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration Center for Devices and Radiological Health Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research


Public Comment 

You may submit written comments and suggestions at any time for Agency consideration to the Division of Dockets Management, Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, rm. 1061, (HFA-305), Rockville, MD, 20852. Submit electronic comments to http://www.regulations.gov. Identify all comments with the docket number listed in the notice of availability that publishes in the Federal Register. Comments may not be acted upon by the Agency until the document is next revised or updated. 

Additional Copies 

Additional copies are available from the Internet. You may also send an e-mail request to dsmica@fda.hhs.gov to receive an electronic copy of the guidance or send a fax request to 301- 827-8149 to receive a hard copy. Please use the document number (1797) to identify the guidance you are requesting. Additional copies of this guidance document are also available from the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), Office of Communication, Training and Manufacturers Assistance (HFM-40), 1401 Rockville Pike, Suite 200N, Rockville, MD 20852-1448, or by calling 1-800-835-4709 or 301-827-1800, by emailing ocod@fda.hhs.gov, or from the Internet at http://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/defaul t.htm.

eCopy Program for Medical Device Submissions 1 Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff

1. Introduction 

The purpose of this guidance is to explain the new electronic copy (eCopy) Program for medical device submissions. Section 745A(b) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), added by section 1136 of the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act (FDASIA) (Pub. L. 112-144), requires the submission of eCopies with the issuance of this final guidance. This guidance describes how the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is implementing the eCopy Program under section 745A(b) of the FD&C Act. The inclusion of an eCopy is expected to improve the efficiency of the review process by allowing for the immediate availability of an electronic version for review rather than relying solely on the paper version.

This guidance provides, among other things, the standards for a valid eCopy under section 745A(b)(2)(A) of the FD&C Act. In accordance with section 745A(b), submission types identified in this final guidance must include an eCopy in accordance with the standards provided by this guidance for the submission to be processed and accepted for review by FDA, unless they have been identified as being exempted or waived. Submissions submitted without an eCopy and eCopy submissions that do not meet the standards provided in this guidance will be placed on hold until a valid eCopy is submitted to FDA and verified to meet the standards, unless a waiver or exemption has been granted. While the submission is on hold, the review clock will not begin and the submission will not be reviewed.

In section 745A(b), Congress granted explicit statutory authorization to FDA to implement the statutory eCopy requirement by providing standards, criteria for waivers, and exemptions in guidance. Accordingly, to the extent that this document provides such requirements under section 745A(b) of the FD&C Act (i.e., standards, criteria for waivers, and exemptions), indicated by the use of the words must or required, this document is not subject to the usual restrictions in FDA’s good guidance practice (GGP) regulations, such as the requirement that guidances not establish legally enforceable responsibilities. See 21 CFR 10.115(d).

However, this document also provides guidance on FDA’s interpretation of the statutory eCopy requirement and the Agency’s current thinking on the best means for implementing other aspects of the eCopy program. Therefore, to the extent that this document includes provisions that are not “standards,” “criteria for waivers,” or “exemptions” under section 745A(b)(2), this document does not create or confer any rights for or on any person and does not operate to bind FDA or the public, but does represent the Agency’s current thinking on this topic. The use of the word should in such parts of this guidance means that something is suggested or recommended, but not required. You can use an alternative approach if the approach satisfies the requirements of the applicable statutes and regulations. If you want to discuss an alternative approach, contact the FDA staff responsible for implementing this guidance. If you cannot identify the appropriate FDA staff, call the appropriate number listed on the title page of this guidance.

To comply with the GGP regulations and make sure that regulated entities and the public understand that guidance documents are nonbinding, FDA guidances ordinarily contain standard language explaining that guidances should be viewed only as recommendations unless specific regulatory or statutory requirements are cited. FDA is not including this standard language in this guidance because it is not an accurate description of all of the effects of this guidance. This guidance contains both binding and nonbinding provisions. Insofar as this guidance provides “standards,” “criteria for waivers,” and “exemptions” pursuant to section 745A(b) of the FD&C Act, it will have binding effect.

The eCopy Program is not intended to impact (reduce or increase) the type or amount of data the applicant 2 1 includes in a submission to support clearance or approval. Please refer to other FDA device or program-specific guidance documents from CDRH (http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/DeviceRegulationandGuidance/GuidanceDocuments/defau lt.htm) and CBER http://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guida nces/General/ucm214106.htm) for the appropriate contents for submissions.

2. What is an eCopy? 

An electronic copy (eCopy) is defined as an exact duplicate of the paper submission, created and submitted on a compact disc (CD), digital video disc (DVD), or a flash drive. An eCopy is accompanied by a paper copy of the signed2 cover letter and the complete paper submission.3 Note that inclusion of individual CDs for just certain sections of the paper submission (e.g., a CD of the data line listings added to a sleeve in some attachment) will no longer be accepted because such CDs will not meet the requirements for a valid eCopy as outlined in this guidance. Any CD provided must be an eCopy as defined above for the submission to be accepted.

3. Are differences between the contents of an eCopy and paper submission acceptable? 

While an eCopy is defined as an exact duplicate of the paper copy, there are limited cases in which differences between the eCopy and the paper copy may be justified because a paper copy is not practical or appropriate for analysis purposes (e.g., raw data and statistical analysis programs, 3 4 data line listings to facilitate a bioresearch monitoring review) or is not feasible (e.g., videos, x-rays). The critical attribute of an eCopy is that it must include in electronic form all data required for that submission type. 5 In other words, the eCopy must include all of the required information for FDA review, whereas the paper copy can include a placeholder crossreferencing the location of certain information in the eCopy. The cover letter must contain the eCopy statement described in Attachment 1 and describe any differences between the paper version and the eCopy. If information is included in the eCopy that is not in the paper copy, then the paper copy must have a placeholder to redirect the reviewer (e.g., a piece of paper with a statement directing the reviewer to a particular section in the eCopy). FDA will consider the eCopy, with the cover letter, loaded into the appropriate Center’s official document repository to be the official record. Any undisclosed differences between the eCopy and the paper version may need to be rectified and could delay the review of the submission.

4. For what submission types is an eCopy required? 

Section 745A(b) of the FD&C Act, as added by section 1136 of FDASIA, requires an eCopy for the following submission types:

· Premarket notification submissions (510(k)s), including third party 510(k)s;

· Evaluation of automatic class III designation petitions (de novos); 

· Premarket approval applications (PMAs), including Transitional PMAs; 6 

· Modular PMAs; · Product development protocols (PDPs);

· Investigational device exemptions (IDEs) [see partial exemption below]; 

· Humanitarian device exemptions (HDEs), including Humanitarian Use Device designation requests (HUDs); 

· Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs)7 [see exemption below];

· Certain investigational new drug applications (INDs); 

 · Certain biologics license applications (BLAs); and 

· Pre-Submissions. 

eCopies for all subsequent submissions to an original submission, including amendments (amendments include add-to-files and CLIA categorization add-to-files), supplements, and reports11 to the submission types identified above would also be required even if the original was submitted to FDA prior to implementation of the eCopy requirements.

The size of the submission is irrelevant. Whether it is a single-page submission (i.e., the cover letter is the only content) or a multi-volume submission, the eCopy requirements apply.

Responses to deficiency letters are required to be formally submitted to CDRH’s or CBER’s Document Control Center12 (DCC) to be logged in as an amendment or a supplement and, thus, are subject to the eCopy requirements.

Please note that eCopy requirements do not apply to information obtained during the Interactive Review process (via email, phone, and/or fax) once a submission is under review, if that information is not submitted to CDRH’s or CBER’s DCC. However, should an applicant choose to submit a response to an Interactive Review request to CDRH’s or CBER’s DCC (which should only occur if the size of the response makes communication by email or fax infeasible), it will be logged in as an amendment and be subject to the eCopy requirements.


Above, FDA identified the submission types cited in the legislation as being subject to the eCopy requirements. However, the legislation also allows for FDA to set forth criteria for exemptions from eCopy requirements. Accordingly, due to the potentially urgent nature of the following types of submissions, FDA considers these to be exempt from the requirement for an eCopy:

· two specific types of IDEs - compassionate use IDE submissions and emergency use IDE submissions; 5 13 and

· all EUAs.

Although these submission types do not require eCopies as per this exemption, FDA encourages you to submit eCopies of these submissions, when feasible, in order to facilitate the review process. If you choose to submit an eCopy, it must meet the standards outlined in Attachment 1.


FDA believes that, given the widespread availability of software to enable the creation of an acceptable eCopy at little to no cost, all applicants should have the ability to provide an eCopy.

5. Are there other submission types not subject to the eCopy legislation for which eCopies may be submitted?

Although an eCopy is not required under Section 745A(b) of the FD&C Act, FDA also accepts and strongly encourages you to submit eCopies for: 

· Master Access Files (MAFs); 

· 513(g) Requests for Information (513(g)s); and

· Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA) Categorization – Exempt Device submissions (CLIA “X” files).

eCopies for these three submission types are voluntary; however, if you choose to submit an eCopy, it must meet the standards outlined in Attachment 1.

6. How many copies of a submission are needed?

The eCopy Program does not change the overall number of copies to submit to FDA. Table 1 below provides the number of copies associated with each submission type for which an eCopy is either required or voluntary.

Table 1 – Number of Copies for Submission

For those submission types for which an eCopy is required, an eCopy (with a signed cover letter and an adequate eCopy statement) will serve as one of the required number of copies for the applicable submission types. FDA will accept additional eCopies in lieu of additional paper copies as long as at least one paper copy is submitted along with the eCopy and the total number of required copies remains the same.

For submission types for which only two copies are required to be submitted, one must be an eCopy and the other must be a paper copy. For submission types requiring more than two copies, this policy would allow additional flexibility in the format of the application that is submitted. For example, for an original PMA, you would submit: (1) one eCopy and five paper copies; (2) five eCopies and one paper copy; or (3) any other combination that results in six total copies as long as there is at least one eCopy and one paper copy.

You may choose to submit only paper copies for compassionate use IDE submissions, emergency use IDE submissions, EUAs, MAFs, 513(g)s, and CLIA X files. However, if you choose to submit an eCopy for one of these, see above for details.

7. What are the processing steps for an eCopy?

Below are the processing steps for the submission and acceptance of an eCopy.

a. What are the standards for an eCopy?

With regard to the standards for an eCopy submitted to FDA, please refer to Attachment 1. An eCopy that does not meet the standards in Attachment 1 will fail to be accepted by our loading system.

b. How do you know if an eCopy meets the standards before you send it to FDA?

At this time, there is no FDA tool available to pre-validate an eCopy that has already been developed by an applicant. However, there is a new free eSubmitter-eCopies tool available on FDA’s website at http://www.fda.gov/ForIndustry/FDAeSubmitter/ucm317334.htm, which we strongly encourage applicants to use. Use of this tool is optional; however, one of the benefits of the tool is that it creates an eCopy in real-time that is consistent with the standards described in Attachment 1. Use of the eSubmitter-eCopies tool is intended to prevent delays in review of your submission due to the need to resolve technical issues.

Please note that this tool provides the formatted eCopy content for you to download onto your local drive and then burn onto a CD, DVD, or flash drive. There is no transmission of an eCopy through the FDA Gateway. Should you have any technical questions when generating your eCopy, please contact cdrhesub@cdrh.fda.gov prior to submission of the 8 eCopy to FDA.

c. What if there is another processing party involved?

In the case that another party (e.g., law firm, consultant) submits a submission on behalf of an applicant, the eCopy must still meet the standards for an eCopy in order to be successfully processed, whether accomplished by you (the applicant) or the submitting party. While the applicant may or may not include their own cover letter as part of the eCopy, our standards require that the submitting party include a signed cover letter with an eCopy statement, as described in Attachment 1.

d. What if this is a Third Party 510(k)?

There are two distinct parties involved in the generation of a Third Party 510(k): (1) the Accredited Person and (2) the applicant. Each party is subject to the eCopy requirements. Accordingly, each party (i.e., the Accredited Person and the applicant) must provide their own:

· eCopy (on a single CD, DVD, or flash drive) that meets the standards in Attachment 1; and

· signed cover letter with an eCopy statement as described in Attachment 1.

Therefore, there will be two separate eCopies provided for a given Third Party 510(k). Given this, it is essential that each eCopy be clearly marked as belonging to the Accredited Person or the applicant.

FDA recognizes that an applicant may interact with the Accredited Person multiple times prior to the Third Party 510(k) being submitted to FDA. Regardless of the number of interactions prior to the Third Party 510(k) being submitted to FDA, the applicant’s eCopy must be on a single CD, DVD, or flash drive in order to be loaded by our software. This could be accomplished by, for example, organizing each round of interaction as different volumes in the eCopy (e.g., VOL_001_Original Review, VOL_002_Round 2 Review). The Accredited Person must also provide their eCopy on a single CD, DVD, or flash drive for the same reason.

Although the Accredited Person is FDA’s point-of-contact and is the party that will be sent the eCopy hold notification if there are any issues with either eCopy, each party is responsible for meeting the eCopy requirements.

e. What if this is a bundled submission?

For bundled submissions, there should be one version of the cover letter and the eCopy that applies to all submissions in the bundle. There should not be different cover letters associated with each submission in the bundle.

In addition to the cover letter being signed and having an adequate eCopy statement, it should include a list or table of all submissions that are part of the bundle. The list or table should specify the submission number, trade name, and, as applicable, the model number, of each device impacted by the change.

f. How do you submit an eCopy to FDA?

An eCopy is submitted simultaneously with the paper submission(s). First, attach the signed cover letter with the eCopy statement to your eCopy. Then attach this eCopy package to the paper submission(s) and send them to CDRH’s or CBER’s DCC. An eCopy that is sent to the DCC without a cover letter and accompanying paper submission(s) will be placed on eCopy hold. If more than one eCopy is to be submitted, then a single cover letter for all eCopies is sufficient. For Third Party 510(k)s, refer to Section 7d for the specifics of the eCopy and cover letter associated with each of the two parties involved.

g. How does FDA process an eCopy?

The determination as to whether or not an eCopy passes the loading process will be made by DCC at the same time the submission is received by FDA and logged into our database. If an eCopy passes the loading process, the cover letter and eCopy contents will be loaded into the appropriate Center’s official submission repository. If an eCopy fails the loading process (i.e., is rejected), we will notify you in writing (e.g., by letter, email, and/or fax) that your submission is on eCopy hold. The notification will describe the reasons for the eCopy failure and the logistics for submitting a replacement eCopy. It is important that you follow these directions to avoid delays in processing the replacement eCopy. The submission will be placed and remain on eCopy hold until a valid replacement eCopy is submitted to FDA and verified to meet the standards. 9 23 If you do not provide a replacement eCopy within 180 days, the submission will be considered withdrawn and closed in our database.

h. What do you provide to FDA if your submission was placed on eCopy hold?

As stated above, you will receive a notification that states the specific reason(s) why your eCopy failed the loading process. In response to the eCopy hold notification, you must provide: (1) a revised cover letter that now additionally states you are providing a replacement eCopy and (2) a replacement eCopy (CD, DVD, or flash drive).

The revised cover letter is required regardless of whether or not the eCopy failure was related to the cover letter, because the DCC needs to be able to date stamp the revised cover letter to record the receipt date of the replacement eCopy. Be sure that your revised cover letter includes a signature and an adequate eCopy statement.

i. How does FDA process a replacement eCopy?

When FDA receives a replacement eCopy, it is processed in the same manner as the initial eCopy. More specifically, a determination is made as to whether or not the replacement eCopy passes the loading process. If it does not, then the submission will be placed on eCopy hold again, and an eCopy hold notification will be issued to you.

j. When does review of a submission begin?

Review of a submission will not begin until a valid eCopy has been received and, if applicable, the user fee has been paid. Furthermore, if applicable for that submission type, acceptance and/or filing reviews will be conducted. Otherwise, the substantive review of the submission will begin.

k. If you submited an eCopy for a submission type that did not require an eCopy and you received an eCopy hold letter, what are your options?

If you submitted an eCopy for a compassionate use IDE, emergency use IDE, EUA, MAF, 513(g), or CLIA X file, and it did not meet the standards in Attachment 1, your submission will be placed on eCopy hold. However, unlike the other submission types that require a valid eCopy, you have the option of responding to that eCopy hold notification with an additional paper copy in lieu of a replacement eCopy.

8. What if your device is regulated by CBER?

a. Will the new eCopy requirements apply?

Yes, unless your submission is an entirely electronic submission exempted under this guidance, as described below. Upon implementation of the statutory requirement, all medical device submission types listed in Section 4 must be accompanied by an eCopy regardless of the Center in FDA in which the submission will be reviewed unless the requirement is waived or exempted. Accordingly, submissions for devices subject to review under the FD&C Act and submitted by filing paper copies with CBER’s DCC must be accompanied by an eCopy, except where exempted as described below.

While many submissions made to CBER are still in paper format and require submission of multiple copies, CBER is also currently able to receive and manage submissions that are entirely electronic.

Submissions for devices that are subject to licensure under the Public Health Service (PHS) Act, including biologics license applications and supplements, investigational new drug applications, and EUAs and pre-submissions for these devices, may be submitted as entirely electronic submissions as detailed in Sections 8b and 8c below. FDA will exempt such entirely electronic submissions from the eCopy requirement.

FDA additionally waives the eCopy requirement to submit paper copies of any entirely electronic submission made to CBER. Accordingly, entirely electronic submissions that comply with CBER guidance identified in Section 8c below do not need to be accompanied by paper copies.

b. Can you submit an electronic submission instead?

Yes, and there are several advantages for both industry and for CBER staff when you choose to make submissions electronically.

The main advantage to you is in the financial savings that will likely result. The costs associated with printing, binding, labeling, and shipping multiple paper copies can be significant, especially for submissions that contain a great deal of supporting documentation. Likewise, we anticipate that FDA will recognize financial savings in that FDA avoids the costs associated with tracking, routing, and storing large amounts of paper when you choose to submit electronically.

Another advantage with the use of the electronic submission process is that all parties involved in the submission and review are referencing the same document – the electronic one. There is no question about whether the paper copy is an exact copy of the eCopy. Electronic submissions may also reduce the need for reviewers to request re-submission of previously submitted information due to an inability to read or interpret the information on the paper copy, as sometimes occurs when documents are photocopied.

c. How do you prepare and submit an electronic submission to CBER?

CBER has several resources available to applicants who choose to submit electronic submissions as outlined in the document “Regulatory Submissions in Electronic Format 11 for Biologic Products.” (http://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/DevelopmentApprovalProcess/ucm163685 .htm). Thus, specific details are available in the cited references and will not be repeated in this guidance.

For devices that are regulated under the PHS Act and require the submission of a BLA, consult the guidance document entitled “Providing Regulatory Submissions to the Center 12 for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) in Electronic Format - Biologics Marketing Applications” (http://www.fda.gov/downloads/BiologicsBloodVaccines/GuidanceComplianceRegulator yInformation/Guidances/General/UCM192413.pdf) for details on preparing your electronic submission. Note that certain sections of this guidance, for example, those on pharmacology and toxicology, are generally not pertinent to licensed devices.

For guidance on preparing electronic submissions for other device submissions (e.g., 510(k)s, PMAs) sent to CBER, please see “Guidance for Industry: Providing Regulatory Submissions in Electronic Format - General Considerations” (www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances/ UCM072390.pdf) and “CBER SOPP 8110: Submission of Paper Regulatory Applications to CBER” (http://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformatio n/ProceduresSOPPs/ucm079467.htm), which includes information about providing electronic copies to CBER.

We are currently developing additional, updated guidance for other electronic submissions sent to CBER and have issued a revised, updated draft guidance document for comment entitled, “Draft Guidance for Industry: Providing Regulatory Submissions in Electronic Format-General Considerations” (http://www.fda.gov/RegulatoryInformation/Guidances/ucm124737.htm). This document will provide an additional resource for applicants preparing electronic submissions.

You can submit questions pertaining to the preparation of submissions in electronic format for submission to CBER at ESUBPREP@fda.hhs.gov.

You may also contact CBER at CBER.CDISC@fda.hhs.gov to discuss the potential for submission of data in CDISC format (http://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/DevelopmentApprovalProcess/ucm209137 .htm).

CBER will accept electronic submissions via electronic transmission (i.e., through the Electronic Submissions Gateway25,26) or on physical media through CBER’s Document Control Center.




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