Part I
Dipping Your Toe into Python
Chapter 1:Programming Basics and Strings
Chapter 2: Numbers and Operators
Chapter 3:Variables — Names for Values
Programming Basics and Strings
This chapter is a gentle introduction to the pradtice of programming in Pythan.Python is avery rich language with manyfeatures,so it is important tolearn towalk before you learn torun. Chapters 1 through 3 provide a basic introduction to oommon programming ideas, explained in easily digestible paragraphs with simple examples.
If you are already an experienced programmer interested in Python, you may want to read this chapter quickly and take note of the examples,but untilChapter 3 you will be reading material with which you've probably already gained some familiarity in another language.
If you are a novice programmer, by the end of this chapter you will learn the following:
口 Some guiding prindples for programming
口 Directions for your first interactians with a programming language —Python. The exerdises at the end of thechapter provide hands-on experience with the basic information that you have learned.
How Programming is Different from Using a Computer
The first thing you need to understand about computers when you're programming is that you control the computer. Sometimes the computer doesn't do what youexpect, but even when it doesn't do what vou want the first time.itshould dothe same thing the segnd and third time —until you take dharge and change the program.
The trend in personal computers has been away from reliability and toward software being built on top of other,unreliable, software. The results that you live with might have you beliewing that computers are malicious and arbitrary beasts,existing totaunt wou with umnbearable amounts of extra wark and various harassments while you're already trying toaccomplish something,However, after you've learned how to program, you gain an understanding of how this situation has come to pas,and perhaps yau'll find that you can do better than some of the programmers whose software you've used.
Note that programming in a language like Python, an inferprefed language, means that you are not going to need to know a whole lot about computer hardware, memory,or long sequences of 0sand ls.You are going to write in text form like you are used to reading and writing but in a different and simpler languge.Pythan is the language, and like English orany other Language(s) you makes sense to other people who already speak the language. Learninga programming language can be even easier, howeverbeause programming languages aren't intended for discussions,debates, phone calls, plays, movies, or any kind of casulinteraction.They're intended for givinginstrudtions and ensuring that those instructions are followed.Computers have been fashianed into incredibly flexible tools that have found a use in almost every business and task that people have found themselves doing,but they are still built from fundamentally understandable and controllable pieæs.
Programming is Consistency
In spite of the complexity involved in coveringall of the disciplines into which computers have crept, the basic cmputer is still relatively simple in prinaple. Theinternalmschanisms that definehow a compuer works haven't dhanged a lot since the 1950s when transistors were first used in computers.
In all that time,this core simplicity has meant that computers can,and should, be held to a high standard of consistency. What this means to you, as the programmer, is that anytime you tell a computer to metaphorically jump,you must tell ithow high and where to land. and it will perform thatjump—over and over again for as long as you specify. The program should not arbitrarily stop working orchange how it works without you facilitating the change.
Programming is Control
Programminga computer is very different from creatinga program,as the word applies to people in real life. In reallife,you ask people to do things,and sometimes you have to struggle mightily toensre that your wishes are carried out— for example, if you plan aparty for 30people and assign two of them to bring the chips and dip and they bring thedrinks instead, it is out of your control.
With computers that problem doesn't exist. Thecomputer does exactly what you tell it to do.As you can imagine, this means that you must pay some attention to detail to ensure that thecomputer does just what you want it to do.
One of the goals of Python is to program inblocks that enable you to think about larger and larger prgjects by building each project as pieces that behave in well-understood ways, This is a key goal of a programmingstyle known as objec-orientfed programming.The guiding principle of this style is that you can create reliable pieæs that still workwhen you pieg them together,that are understandable.and that are useful.This gives you,the programmer, control over how the parts of your programs run, while enabling you toextend your program as the problems you're solving evolve.
Programming Copes with Change
Programs are run on computers that handle real-world problems; and in the real world, plans and circumstancs frequently change. Because of these shifting circumstanæs, programmers rarely get the opportunity to create perfectly crafted, useful, and flexible programs.Usually, you an achieveonly two of these gols.The dhanges that you will have to deal with should give you some perspective andlead you to program cautiously. With sufficient caution, you can create programs that know when they're being asked to ewceed their capabilities,and they can fail graafully by notifying their users that they've stopped.In the best cases, you can create programs that explain what failed and why. Python offers especially useful features thatenable you to describe what conditians may have occurred that prevented your program from working.
What All That Means Together
Taken together, these beginning principles mean that you're going to be introduced toprogramming as a way of tellinga computer what tasks you want it todo,in an environment where you are in control. You will be aware that sometimes accidents can happen and that these mistakes can be accommodated through mechanisms that offer you some discretion regarding how these conditions will he handled including recowering from problems and continuing to work.
The First Steps
The absolute first step you need to take before you can begin programming in Python is to download and install Python version 3.1.Navigate towww.python .org/downioad and choose the newest yersion of Python.You will be taken toa page with instructions on how to download the appropriate version far your computer.For instance,if you are running Windows, it may say Windows x86MSTInstaller(.0).
Just as authors and editors have specialized tools for writing for magazines, books,or online
publications.programmers also need specialized tools.Asa starting Python programmer. the right tool for the job is the Pythan IDLE GUI (graphicaluser interface).
One the download is finished,double-click it to run the program.Your best bet is to acæpt the default prompts Python offers you. This procss may take a few minutes,depending on your system.
After setup is complete,you will want to test to make sure it is installed properly Click the Windows Start menu and go to All Programs.You will see Pythan 3.0in themenu.ChooseIDLE ((Python GUI) and wait for the program to load.
为了更好地适应新形势,满足读者对大数据分析处理学习的迫切需要,我们推出了《大数据分析 ∶ R基础及应用》一书 ,力求使读者能够从中了解大数据
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通过它,你将学到如何写能处理大量非结构化文本的 Python 程序。你将获得有丰富标注的涵盖语言学各种数据结构的数据集,而且你将学到分析书面
本书以机器学习与计算统计为主题背景,专门讲t述如何挖掘和分析 Web,上的数据和资源,如何分析用户体验、市场营销、个人品味等诸多信息,并得出
为了能让更多的编程小自轻松地入门编程,我把高效学习法结合 Pvthon 中的核心知识,写成了这本书。随意翻上几页,你就会发现这本书和其他编程
本书结构非常简单,其实就是 52 个习题。其中 26 个覆盖了输入输出、变量、以及函数三个课题,另外 26个覆盖了一些比较高级的话题,如条件
本书用 Python 语言来讲解算法的分析和设计。本书主要关注经典的算法,但同时会为读者理解基本算法问题和解决问题打下很好的基础。全书共 1
本书面向的读者是那些经常使用电子表格软件进行数据处理,但从未写过一行代码的人。前几章会教你设置 Python 运行环境,告诉你计算机是如何看
Python 是一种容易学习的强大的编程语言。它包含了高效的高级数据结构,能够用简单而高效的方式进行面向对象编程。Python 优雅的语法和
本书是面向 Python 初学者的学习指南,详细介绍了 Python 编程基础,以及一些高级概念,如面向对象编程。
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