Python is an extensible, interpreted, objet-ariented progamming language. It supportsa wide range of applco tions, from simple text processing scripts to interactive Web browsers.
While the Pyrhon Referencee Manwal describes theexact syntax and semantics ofthe language, it does not describe the standard library that is distributed with the language, and which greatly enhances its immediate usability. This library contains built-in modules (written in C)that provide acces to system functionality such as file IO that would otherwse be incessible to Python well as modukes written in Pvbonthat rrgidc sandrdiæd sohrtions for mamy prodem that occur in eyeryday programming.Some of these moules amre explicitly designed to encourage and enhance the portability of Python programs.
Purhon 语言参考手册中精确地描述了Python 语言的句法及语义.然而语言参考手册中没有提到Python 所附带功能强大的标准库.这个函式库大大地增强了Python 的实用性. 其中包括C 写的内建模组,提供介面让程式进行操作系统层次的工作. 例如档案的输出输入;同时也有以Python 语言本身编写的模组. 为实际编程时常遇的间题提供标准解决方案, 这类模组有的经过特别设计以便Python 程式在跨平台的情况下运行无误.
This library reference manual documents Python's standard library, as well as many optional library modudes(which may or may not be available,depending on whether the underlying platfarm supports them and on the confgurationchoices mad at compile time).t alsodocuments the standard typesof the langmge and itsbuilt-in functions and exceptions, many of which are not or incompletely documented in the Reference Manual.本参考手册罗列并说明了Python 标准库的各种功能, 以及许多非核心的模组(按不同的操作系统和编译时的设置而定,不是每台机上的Pvthon 都能用这些模组.)本手册同时记载了Pvthon语言所有的标准数据类型,内建函数,异常类,这些在参考手册中被忽略了或只是扼要的提过一下.
This manual assumes basi knowledge about the Python language. Foran infomal introductionto Python,seethe Pyrhon Tistorkal;the Pyrhon Reference Manal remains the highest authority on syntactic and semanticquestions. Finally, the manual entitled Exending andEmbedding the Pyrhon Ierpete describes howto add new extensions to Python and how to embed it in other applications.
本手册的读者要对Pthon 有基本的认识. 初学者应该从Pymnonr 指南开始. 至于Prhon 语言参考手册 则是该语言的语法和语义间题上的权威间释,最后扩展或旅入Pmo 解径器一交文解说了如何在Pytbm中加入新的扩展模组; 以及怎样把Python解释器嵌入到其他的应用程式中.
内建对象 Built-In Objects
Names for built-inexceptions and functions and a number of constants are found in a separate symbol table. This tabE issearched las when the inrpretgr boks upthe meaningof aname.solocalad gobaluser-defincdnams can owerride buil-in names. Built-in types are described together here for easy reference,l
The tables in this chapterdocument the priorities ofoperators by listing them in order of asceansding priority (within a tabEe)and groupig operaorsthathave thesame priorit in the same box, Binary orgrtorsofthe samc priority group from left to right.(Unary operators group from right to left but there youhave no real choice.) See chapter 5 of the Pyrhon Reprence AManual for the complete picture on operator priorities
在本章的表格中,对于操作符的优先级,以它们在表格中列出的顺序,升序排列,(在同一个表格中)并且把相同优先级的操作 符组织在同一格当中,同一优先级的二元操作符己从左到右的顺序结合。(一元操作符从右到左结合。但事实上,你并没有选择的余地。)对于操作符优先级的一个整体印象参见Pur/hon参考手概第5章。
Python运行时服务Python Runtime Services
The modukes described in this chapter provide a wide range of services related to the Python interpreter and its interaction with its environment,. Here 's an gwerview;
-_main_- 顶层脚本运行所在的环境The enwvironment where the top-level sriptis run.
2.1 __main__—顶层脚本的运行环境Top-level script environment
This mxule rpresents the (otherwise anonympus) scope in which the intgrprgter's main program executes — commands read either fom stadard input.from a sript fil.orfrom an intrastive prompt.It isthi environment in which the idiomatic "conditional script"stanzacaises a script to run;
这个模块描述了(否则就是匿名的)解释器主程序运行命令的作用域- 这些命令包括读取自标准输入的,脚本文件的,或者交互模式提示符的.一般我们会用以下的"条件脚本"块来使一个脚本运行,这个环境就是__main_
其他各类服务Miscellaneous Services
The modules described in this chapter provide miscellanecous services that are avaihble in all Python versons. Here'san overview;
本章所包含的为所有版本上的Python 皆有的各杂类模组. 以下为概览。
为了更好地适应新形势,满足读者对大数据分析处理学习的迫切需要,我们推出了《大数据分析 ∶ R基础及应用》一书 ,力求使读者能够从中了解大数据
网络爬虫是一个自动提取网页的程序,它为搜索引擎从万维网上下载网页,是搜索引擎的重要组成。传统爬虫从一个或若干初始网页的URL开始, 获得初始
通过它,你将学到如何写能处理大量非结构化文本的 Python 程序。你将获得有丰富标注的涵盖语言学各种数据结构的数据集,而且你将学到分析书面
本书以机器学习与计算统计为主题背景,专门讲t述如何挖掘和分析 Web,上的数据和资源,如何分析用户体验、市场营销、个人品味等诸多信息,并得出
为了能让更多的编程小自轻松地入门编程,我把高效学习法结合 Pvthon 中的核心知识,写成了这本书。随意翻上几页,你就会发现这本书和其他编程
本书结构非常简单,其实就是 52 个习题。其中 26 个覆盖了输入输出、变量、以及函数三个课题,另外 26个覆盖了一些比较高级的话题,如条件
本书用 Python 语言来讲解算法的分析和设计。本书主要关注经典的算法,但同时会为读者理解基本算法问题和解决问题打下很好的基础。全书共 1
本书面向的读者是那些经常使用电子表格软件进行数据处理,但从未写过一行代码的人。前几章会教你设置 Python 运行环境,告诉你计算机是如何看
Python 是一种容易学习的强大的编程语言。它包含了高效的高级数据结构,能够用简单而高效的方式进行面向对象编程。Python 优雅的语法和
本书是面向 Python 初学者的学习指南,详细介绍了 Python 编程基础,以及一些高级概念,如面向对象编程。
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